WORLD HOLD ON...And start suffering...And then stop and stare at the sun, thinking...
I regret telling you that I did not love, for I have...not received or gave the ideal love I dream of..., but as I knew how, giving who I am/was... Say hello and wave goodbye with all our memories, for now they tear me up inside, although I knew where we were going...Funny thing I noticed...You know how things will happen but they still affect you when they do happen....Roles have changed in time, we've given each other more or less and now that is it... Letting someone go when you feel the right moment comes is one of the most beatiful and completely unselfish things a person can do...I gave you the power to set me free and eventually, because my lack of substance to face up to my decisions, you did...But you were not sincere at all about it and although you knew how you truly felt, you kept sending me signals but at the same time got on with your life... and now I stand behind seing you already departed, with a head start you've designed for yourself...You grew up and Bucharest did change you a lot and hopefully you'll learn a lot out of all this..We'll learn...We will...because we both let it die... And now you want my friendship? You want my friends? You can have it all because the pain and dissapointment deep inside make me numb, but I am not sure you know how to keep them near you...I try not to care and I try to challenge myself into bringing out all the memories and feelings and transform them into something pozitive, although wiping them out sounds pretty ok now...It's the pain inside me talking now...Friends? Not now...Later on maybe... if you will see the responsability that comes along with it...You know me or maybe you don't... Betrayed as I might feel, you still are and will be an experience for me...The most powerful experience up to now, that for now will bring out all sorts of feelings out of me and afterwards grow me up inside slowly... I know that this is not the best time to draw up conclusions... Baby this is the last time I'll be calling you like this...I cannot hate you and I feel I'm in the process of forgiving you, although maybe I have nothing to forgive, I made my mystakes...I wish you never forget... I have so many questions and debates and ideas in my had but they don't matter anymore, I feel that they just don't...I have got to get my inner peace back...Take care... What I like about myself right now is the analysis of how I reacted and how I am facing it...And there are only two things that helped me up to now: my mothers' embrace and listening to music and reacting to her lyrics...Because from now it is all about me, because I have got to learn to love myself more... I am not going to write here for a while...not untill I'll really feel I am back on track, going in the direction I need but do not know... Planning my getaway and always remember that "ca sa gasesti ceva bun trebuie sa incerci multe lucruri rele"... Micky planes, tears, sun, wind and greatfull for my experience, and the ones that stood by me

m feeling overwhelmed with the things I see, hear and are expected of me because I feel that I cannot accomplish them, because I am tired, afraid and because I want to fly away... I repeatedly say to myself that I have to go back to my roots..The roots are practicaly the same, yet the elements have changed... Micky I choose to believe I stand for friendship, equilibrium and culture in the various shades that are my own; My music, my friends, my culture value elements, my family are my Zone, my Room...
Because things aren't as simple as they used to be...
I said: "You know what dillema I have been facing lately? Not being able to express exactly what I feel and think..."He answered:"Well, because things aren't as simple as they used to be, better ar not as simple as you used to be...Just remember how you were 2-3 years ago...This is not a solution, yet a mere observation..."The more personal, the more introspective the writing, the more specific the trigger will turn out to be in time...Just like poetry and prose...And introspective it is..."It is simply impossible to describe how I felt on my way to the hostel, when I realized the learning points the experience I have undergone two years ago offered me...After two years I really felt the conclusions , without giving it much thought, seemingly out of the blue...The road was taking me to a place I have met amazing people, where I have had some of the most deep and interesting conversations in my life up to then...The circle has closed...Hoping another one will begin and it will involve the same persons... Adriana and The Bear
My everything...

It's merely about moments and places you see and people you interact with...It's all so nice when you're just watching...And when my life is over, remember when we were together... Different perspectives of how one perceives things are enlightening only if you explore...So are the moon rays if you react, connect and vibrate...So is the past if the memories cause you no pain, just smiles of happiness and bits of melancholie, just as simple as this... Feeling a bit better for I have found an island right here in Constanta, an island I never knew nothing about...Can't take you there just now...
Micky my moon, my island, my flying soul, my memories, my everything...
P.S Take care dear friend of your present and future...I'll be here listening to Eric Clapton...
In the end you stick to what you are...
Feeling the need to write again...Having a conversation with someone today made me realise my lack of direction and how much support you need in building your way, which in the end, will for sure 100% you, no matter how much you control yourself or something else... I am going to provide myself a touch of ... to keep going in what I call a sane manner, sticking to, AIESEC, no more sentimental running, friends, hobbies...
Sunday morning near a church with an interesting person,
Micky still loving to feel the wind, so much...