Eu nu strivesc corola de minuni a lumii...I understand its complexity and choose not to be mixed up in it ...

If your life were a painting, a picture, a song, a poem...If you were to draw... Soft grey heavy clouds breathing light... The grey struggle that is a part of me leads to my light, my learning process, sometimes controlled and sometimes not... The light is represented by all those things that fulfill and build me up... foreign places, nature, people, conversations, music, movies, books, friends, moments of enlightment, equilibrium, introspection, frienship, love, forgiveness, vision, inspirational leadership, potential, relaxation, moments spent inside the family, moments when you get stuck in a moment, when you are living a beatifull day...then, don't let it get away, touch me, take me to the other place, teach me.... Bravely I look further than I see, knowing things I know I cannot be, not now... I'm so aware of where I am, but I don't know where that is... And there's something right in front of me and I touch the fingers of my hand, and I wonder if it's me... Looking up in the sky was a miracle, for I have had a clear representation of myself, i have discovered who I am, and what is so special for a while now... Imi complic existenta, o fac cu pricepere, sunt specializat, pot sa iau orice lucru extrem de simplu si sa-l transform intr-unul complicat. Cu toate astea n-am indraznit niciodata sa complic o minune, o minune e un lucru mult prea fragil, e cam tot ce se poate spune. Habar n-am ce trebuie sa faci si cum sa ingrijesti o minune, probabil sunt cativa care stiu dar oricum nimeni nu-ti spune. Ma gandesc totusi ca o minune e ca o umbra, merge cu tine fara sa stii, tot ce trebuie sa faci e sa te uiti la cer macar o data pe zi. Daca ai noroc sa intalnesti o minune, sa ai grija de ea... Trebuie sa stii sa intelegi o minune, si poate o sa stea...
In the end my attitude towards my learning, towards my struggle spreading who I am in the atmosphere:
Eu nu strivesc corola de minuni a lumii şi nu ucid cu mintea tainele, ce le-ntâlnesc în calea mea în flori, în ochi, pe buze ori morminte. Lumina altora sugrumă vraja nepătrunsului ascuns în adâncimi de întuneric, dar eu, eu cu lumina mea sporesc a lumii taină - şi-ntocmai cum cu razele ei albe luna nu micşorează, ci tremurătoare măreşte şi mai tare taina nopţii, aşa înbogăţesc şi eu întunecata zare cu largi fiori de sfânt mister şi tot ce-i neînţeles se schimbă-n neînţelesuri şi mai mari sub ochii mei- căci eu iubesc şi flori şi ochi şi buze şi morminte.
o minune de nor cenusiu deasupra caruia transpare o lumina revelatoare
Trying to adapt....Past experiences help...

And for sure I will not... This summer and the past week tought me I cannot behave like a child no longer... Nature facilitated a complex interior process, without me even thinking of anything... Things become more clear every day but it just seems difficult at this point to adapt to people changing, nasty situations, uncertain future... Live, love, learn and move on... Development...
Experimenting... Poetry and jazz have this powerfull effect... that of a soft medicine, of a convesation with a friend about mistakes I've made... Your sweet conversation... I'll be seeing you...
Aware of the importance of next year... Future, decisions, work, vision...The promise and plans of another holiday in the mountains, in the Delta and abroad... Stay true... don't lie... you don't have to prove anything to anyone... Self-sufficiency...Leaves of grass, green grass... There are colours that relax your eyes, body and mind, that can express much more than we could ever imagine... Just stop and look, and listen, and whilst communicating with nature pay attention to what is out there, to her voice; get involved, smile with your entire heart... Chemarea strabunilor...
The insanity of the summer...Chain of events, people, places, feelings, night blindness, bright eyes, conversations, people again... Learning to be a child again, to suffer, to adapt, to appreciate, to breathe differently, to hate and maybe to forgive, to accept, to assess, to have faith and believe, to be disappointed, to relax, to take it slow... The island, the falling stars, Mania, the rich sky in the Delta, the closeness of the mountains, the break-up and the fucked up situation that follwed, Paul coming to Constanta, Kroko, frunza in the park, Kossta leaving, LPM, the sunrise, the conversations over Ina's coffee, the photo shoots, writing letters, surprises, Cip, Stefan and Andra, Cristi, going to Bucharest- my soul sleeping in protective arms, receiving a flower, highschool reunion and it's coming back in my life, not wanting to complicate things, reliving the past, crying, losing weight, watching movies, 9th of September, strugle, parents, Mozaique, the tea pot, the square, the clouds, the stars, Alina and Tze, mails to and from people, the AIESEC people and decisions, without direction, enjoying my coffee and..., barbeques, skinny dipping, people... people with whom I shared moments of sadness, moments of reflection, of who I am... In the end... Friendship, love and forgiveness... maybe I will forgive you and myself one day... For sure I will... Mickyrebalancing, saying hello and waving goodbye, waiting for that someone to come pick me up...