Why do I feel I have I lost what is mine?... Just love, learn and walk away... Going away to Peacelandia to find the mirror and to rediscover who Micky is and what is special about her... Mickyin need of ...
In the Delta...the journey begins...

Big appreciation for those who love nature and explore it and eventually find themselves in it...I've been there with my soul and mind for one moment...but how incredible would it be if I were also to embark physically in a journey like those that I 've heard of...Some experiences are just for some people to undertake...true...but at the same time...just try...It's a matter of perspective and desire and not going back, a progressive aspect you have to develop and build upon... Mickyremembering some moments, people, places and trying to visualise...What a rich sky...
Stay true to yourself...
Random thoughts that I need to express are very connected to what I have been feeling lately...The past, the memories are way deep inside, you cannot wipe them off and for sure you cannot lie to yourself regarding the learning they provide..When suffering, this is the first lesson you are provided with...don't you even dare to hide or lie, for the amount of pain you cause to yourself and the others is double... What do you do when you feel something but you don't have the courage to keep protecting it, fighting for it? Do you keep hiding from the truth and you live with this thought in your head or do you do something about it, you face your truth, your feelings even if it is a risk, even if you feel that are not aware of the consequences...? Yes, so true..In the end it all ties down to what you are...But what happens when you feel you are growing inside a big transformation process you cannot even imagine? I know the answer and for sure I will try to apply...I will listen to the people around and look in their eyes... On my way to a beautiful place with some people...The only thing I want for all of us is to express...For now this is the only way to progress...
come pick me up